Hi All,
Here I am posting the Testing Interview Questions i hope this will help
What is the diff between Volume & Load ?
What is diff between Volume & Stress ?
What is the diff between Stress & Load Testing ?
What is the Diff between Two Tier & Three tier Architecture ?
What is the diff between Client Server & Web Based Testing ?
What is the diff between Integration & System Testing ?
What is the Diff between Code Walkthrough & Code Review ?
What is the diff between walkthrough and inspection ?
What is the Diff between SIT & IST ?
What is the Diff between static and dynamic ?
What is the diff between alpha testing and beta testing ?
What is Smoke Testing & when it will be done ?
What is Adhoc Testing ? When it can be done ?
What is cookie testing ?
What is security testing ?
What is database testing ?
What is Web Based Application Testing ?
What is Client Server Application Testing ?
What is Two Tier & Three tier Architecture ?
What is the use of Functional Specification ?
Why do we prepare test condition, test cases, test script ?
Is it not waste of time in preparing the test condition, test case & Test Script ?
How do you go about testing of Web Application ?
How do you go about testing of Client Server Application ?
What is meant by Static Testing ?
Can the static testing be done for both Web & Client Server Application ?
In the Static Testing, what all can be tested ?
Can test condition, test case & test script help you in performing the static testing ?
What is meant by dynamic testing ?
Is the dynamic testing a functional testing ?
Is the Static testing a functional testing ?
What are the functional testing you perform ?
What is meant by Alpha Testing ?
What kind of Document you need for going for an Functional testing?
What is meant by Beta Testing ?
At what stage the unit testing has to be done ?
Who can perform the Unit Testing ?
When will the Verification & Validation be done ?
What is meant by Code Walkthrough ?
What is meant Code Review ?
What is the testing that a tester performs at the end of Unit Testing ?
What are the things, you prefer & Prepare before starting Testing ?
What is Integration Testing ?
What is Incremental Integration Testing ?
What is meant by System Testing ?
What is meant by SIT ?
When do you go for Integration Testing ?
What is SDLC and TDLC ?
What are the Qualities of a Tester ?
What is the relation ship between Quality & Testing ?
What are the types of testing you know and you experienced ?
After completing testing, what would you deliver to the client ?
What is a Test Bed ?
Why do you go for Test Bed ?
What is a Data Guidelines ?
What is Severity and Priority and who will decide what ?
Can Automation testing replace manual testing ? If it so, how ?
What is a test case ?
What is a test condition ?
What is the test script ?
What is the test data ?
What is an Inconsistent bug ?
What is the difference between Re-testing and Regression testing ?
What are the different types of testing techniques ?
What are the different types of test case techniques ?
What are the risks involved in testing ?
Differentiate Test bed and Test Environment ?
What ifs the difference between defect, error, bug, failure, fault ?
What is the difference between quality and testing ?
What is the difference between White & Black Box Testing ?
What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control ?
What is the difference between Testing and debugging ?
What is the difference between bug and defect ?
What is the difference between verification and validation ?
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